Giving feedback


How to Give Feedback 💛

Writing a constructive, meaningful feedback is one of the most important tasks to make your team members and the company better. We strive to be the best possible team members & company possible. In order to succeed, we need to help each other become the best version of ourselves.

This means that we have to make sure that reviews are accurate, based on data & events, constructive and very well thought-through.


How to give great, informal feedback


Receiving feedback

<aside> 💁 Receiving feedback can be challenging, but it is the key for personal growth and development. Here are some tips on how to receive feedback:


  1. Listen actively: When receiving feedback, it is important to give the person your full attention. Listen carefully to what they are saying, and try to understand their perspective.
  2. Say thank you: Don’t get defensive. Don’t offer to explain what they might not understand. And don’t even jump further into what you should change (we’ll get there). Instead, take time to offer your thanks for the gift you just received — the gift of feedback. This will help to build a positive relationship and encourage them to give you feedback in the future.
  3. Restate what you heard: Whether it’s praise, criticism or some other type of feedback, take the time to restate to the person giving it what you heard them say. Just a quick “What I hear you saying is _____” can have a powerful effect on your conversation.